DZF型真空干燥箱(Model DZF Vacuum Drying Oven)
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- 北京伯樂生命科學發展有限公司上海辦事處 (上海天崛電子科技有限公司)
- 2021-11-11 18:55:25
- 上海市
- 進口
- 1310
一、suitable scope
it is applicable to such tests as drying heat treatment.ect.of artides under vacuum conditions in industrial and mining enterprises as well as in nedical colleges and scientific research institues.
二、characteristies of product
1、 the working chamber is rectangular so as to achieve the maximum of effective volumme.
2、 toughened bulletproof double glass door,to observe clearly the ob-ject in the working chamber.
3、 the air-tightness of the chamber door is adjustable,with a whollyshaped silicon rubber door sealing loop;so as to guarantee in-chamber high vacuum.
4、 the working chamber was made of high quality sheet steek or corrosion-resistant stainless steel,safe and easy to use.
5、 inligent temperature controller was based microprocessor with pid parameters controlling display of set and actual temperatures.high temperature controlling accuracy and reliability.
※adopting the platetype heater to evenly distribute to heat over the outer wall of the chamber. ■加熱器直接裝入工作室底部升溫快。
※the heater is installed directly at the bottom of the working chamber for quick temperature use.
三、技術參數 (technical date):
型號model dzf-6020 dzf-6021 dzf-6050 dzf-6051 dzf-6090 dzf-6210
電源電壓mains voltage 220v ,50hz
控溫范圍temperature control range rt+10℃~200℃ rt+10℃~150℃ rt+10℃~250℃ rt+10℃~200℃ rt+10℃~250℃
消耗功率consumption power <300w <1400w <1200w <1200w <2160w
溫度波動temperature fluctuation ±1%
真空度vacuum degree <133pa
工作室尺寸dimensions of the working chamber 300×300×275mm 415×345×370mm 450×450×450mm 560×640×600mm
工作室材料 material of working chamber 1grl8ni9ti 08f 1grl8ni9ti 08f 1grl8ni9ti
- 全系列生化培養箱
- 德國Heraeus賀力氏CO2培養箱 HERAcell 150
- 全系列真空 干燥箱
- 德國UniEquip恒溫金屬浴
- HeraeusCO2培養箱,推薦BB15
- 干式恒溫器(金屬恒溫浴)MK-10/MK-20
- 超低溫保存箱(金槍魚保存)DW-50W255
- 藥品保存箱(2~8℃)HYC系列
- 德國海道爾夫Heidolph波浪式培養搖床Polymax1040(5°)
- 德國海道爾夫Heidolph三維培養搖床 Duomax1030(5°)
- 微孔板恒溫振蕩器MB100-4P
- 恒溫混勻儀(振蕩型恒溫金屬浴)MS-100
- 血液保存箱(4℃) HXC系列
- 藥品保存箱(2~8℃) HYC系列
- 電熱恒溫鼓風干燥箱(300度)DHG系列
- 光照培養箱GZX-Ⅲ
- 數顯恒溫水浴鍋 HH-1
- 數顯恒溫循環水浴鍋 HH-4
- 數顯恒溫循環水浴鍋HH-6
- 數顯恒溫循環水浴鍋HH-8
- 數顯恒溫攪拌循環水箱HH-60
- 超級恒溫水浴(數顯)HH-501
- DC系列低溫恒溫槽(一)DC系列
- CH系列超級恒溫槽CH系列
- 調溫恒溫電熱套HDM
- 干式恒溫器(恒溫金屬浴)K10
- MK-10/MK-20干式恒溫器(金屬恒溫浴)
- 低溫保存箱-25度(臥式)BD系列
- 低溫保存箱-40度(臥式) DW系列
- 恒溫恒濕箱HWS型
- DNP型電熱恒溫培養箱 DNP Series Electric Thermos
- 【振蕩器系列】【振蕩培養箱】
- DK系列電熱恒溫水槽水浴鍋DK S eries Water Bath
- DZF型真空干燥箱(Model DZF Vacuum Drying Oven)
- DHG型電熱恒溫鼓風干燥箱DHG Series Heating and D
- 不銹鋼電熱恒溫水浴鍋SSY-H型
- 電熱恒溫水箱系列H.SWX
- DZF系列真空干燥箱
- QYC恒溫 全溫雙層培養搖床
- MJ-Ⅱ型系列霉菌培養箱