- 牛肉干真空包裝機可以非常棒的高度阻隔外界氧氣入內,防止細菌感染肉類,引起人類使用后的食物中及其他不適.
- 可以更加美觀,衛生.真空或者充氣包裝的冷鮮肉類有了更好的賣相,顧客喜歡,才是廠家的zui終目的.
- 可以保持牛肉等肉類新鮮的成色,不會因為氧化而發黃.失去冷鮮肉原有的鮮嫩感覺.
- ,也使得全自動高阻氧熱成型真空包裝機成為食品企業的寵兒,肉類保持的水分,可以實現加工后的肉類更加鮮嫩多汁. 對于不經常做飯,又想在客人面前露一手的小媳婦,這樣包裝后的冷鮮肉,可是家中*哦.
- ,zui為適合
High oxygen and thermoforming packaging machine, with high barrier oxygen material packaging bag as packaging materials, equipment using automatic stretch film, automatic vacuum or filled with nitrogen and other inert gas mixture, automatic laminating, automatic cutting, automatic collecting scrap equipment. Very suitable for fresh meat slices, slices of beef packing machine the use of packaging, steak
Beef automatic high oxygen barrier thermoforming vacuum packaging machine is suitable for packaging of beef, mutton, beef, Bacon cold fresh meat.