活性炭過濾器是一種較常用的水處理設備,作為水處理脫鹽系統前處理能夠吸附前級過濾中無法去除的余氯,可有效保證后級設備使用壽命,提高出水水質,防止污染,特別是防止后級反滲透膜,離子交換樹脂等的游離態余氯中毒污染。同時還吸附從前級泄漏過來的小分子有機物等污染性物質,對水中異味、膠體及色素、重金屬離子等有較明顯的吸附去除作用,還具有降低COD的作用。可以進一步降低RO進水的SDI值,保證 SDI<5,TOC<2.0ppm。活性碳吸附過濾器缸體采用水力模擬長徑設計,并采用粒徑合理,比表面積大于 1000㎡/g的高效活性碳,使其既有上層*過濾又有下層高效吸附等功能,大大提高產水凈化程度和碳的使用壽命。經活性碳吸附過濾器處理后水質余氯含量:≤0.1PPM。對水體中異味、有機物、膠體、鐵及余氯等性能*;對于降低水體的濁度、色度,凈化水質,減少對后續系統(反滲透、超濾、離子交換器)的污染等也有很好的作用。一種罐體的過濾器械,外殼一般為不銹鋼或者玻璃鋼,內部填充活性炭,用來過濾水中的游離物、微生物、部分重金屬離子,并能有效降低水的色度。Activated carbon filter is a kind of commonly used water treatment equipment, water treatment desalination system as pretreatment can grade filter before adsorption can't remove the residual chlorine, which can effectively guarantee the equipment service life, improve water quality, pollution prevention, especially to prevent reverse osmosis membrane, ion exchange resins such as pollution of free residual chlorine poisoning.At the same time, it also absorbs pollution substances such as small molecule organic matter from previous leakage, which has obvious adsorption and removal effect on peculiar smell, colloid, pigment and heavy metal ions in water, and can also reduce COD.The SDI value of RO water inflow can be further reduced to ensure that SDI<5 and TOC<2.0 PPM.