美國*布蘭泰Blendtec Smoother SpaceSaver商用沙冰機現貨
全新改版,全新款式,搭載Blendtec 經典ICB3 馬達,30組程式控制。可以自由切換模式,機器可以臺上操作,也可嵌入式操作,方便靈活。
多功能:可制作 沙冰、雞尾酒、冰鎮卡普奇諾、冰糕、奶昔、酸奶等;
Flexibility:The perfect choice for smoothies, milkshaker, daiquiris, iced cappuccinos, granitas, and more;
大功率:峰值馬力達到3HP,64盎司(2000 ml)聚碳酸酯杯,帶計量刻度(1000 ml);
64oz.polycarbonate container,break-resistant ,easy-to-read measurement markings;
The LCD display allows you to preprogram 30 programs simultaneously,No-Tend touchpad controls ;
Initially created for use in bar wells, the footprint of the SpaceSaver is the smallest in the blending industry.
2.Blendtec space saver冰沙料理機的操作使用說明如下: